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Politics and the Political Voice

leadership personal power vocal power voice is power women empowerment Oct 23, 2024

The presidential election is virtually two weeks away. In all the polls and analyses I've read, constituents express dissatisfaction with one party or the other. One of the main reasons for this dissatisfaction is that politicians are speaking to us, not communicating with us. Whether it's in political debates or during a candidate's appearance on talk shows, all we hear is political rhetoric—canned communication. We hear the words, but we don’t hear the authenticity or integrity of the person speaking them.

In today’s media-driven market, perception is reality. What we actually see and hear are carefully crafted images of the 'public servant' and messages shaped by media consultants, based on focus group research, designed to capture maximum attention from the candidate’s supporters. When we listen to a candidate, what we hear becomes our perception of that individual. The candidate's challenge is then to convincingly communicate this message across multiple platforms—whether in person, on television, in campaign ads, or with or without a teleprompter. However, this is also the fatal flaw in conveying believability and trustworthiness.

I am a career vocal coach and communication strategist who has spent over six decades training individuals from all walks of life in the art of public speaking—ranging from renowned stage, screen, and vocal artists to broadcasters, Olympic gold medalists, Hall of Fame champions, and industry leaders, among many others. My lifelong mission is to Change the World Through Voice. To achieve this, I created Vocal Awareness®, a disciplined method of Communication Mastery that teaches individuals how to develop an integrated communication style and an embodied, enhanced leadership presence. I train my students how not only to convey their message but to embody the messenger as well.

Another reason for this article relates to the iconic 1976 film Network, where the protagonist shouts from a New York office window, "I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!"

As a professional with a lifelong dedication to voice and communication, my responsibility is to awaken us to what political leadership can be—not to settle for what it currently is.

The simple truth is that voice is power. However, the power I’m referring to is not a cudgel used to shout someone down or speak in hyperbole. The power I speak of lies in the integrity of speaking earnestly, authoritatively, and authentically—not as the title we hold or aspire to, but as the human being we are. That story is told through the sound of our voice and the signals our body language communicates.

What I am here to tell you is that one of the reasons we distrust politicians is the sound of their voices and the presentational/inauthentic qualities of their body language—their overall delivery. They often speak too fast, their pitch is too high, they don’t breathe strategically, or they speak with tension in their tongue or jaw, and they may avoid eye contact. This causes us to perceive them as inauthentic or untrustworthy. What is rarely discussed, seldom recognized, but always present, is that it’s not just the message that matters—it’s the messenger. Voice plays a critical role in every communication, not only through its sound but in the very way it is delivered.

At this point, we are all familiar with Donald Trump’s boisterous, arrogant, aggressive, and insensitive delivery. Trust me when I tell you, this is all by design. Like Hitler over 90 years ago and other demagogues since, their delivery follows the same communication model—designed to usurp power from the listener. It is meant to quash dissent, and whether the message is truthful or not, repeating it over and over is intended to make us question our own reality. There is no effort to convey warmth or respect for others, no attempt to communicate humanely, either from him or his running mate, J.D. Vance. Their entire communication model is built on projecting power and authority while sowing distrust in government. In doing so, they are saying, "Simply trust us, we know how to take care of you."

Again, as with all dictators, the overarching goal is to communicate, “No need to think for yourself; we will take care of you.” This communication pattern, delivered in a lower pitch range with vigorous intensity, is completely ego-driven and can be so forceful that it becomes physically and emotionally harmful.

On the other hand, Kamala Harris can sometimes appear scripted. And since it is never a level playing field for women in business or politics, she is damned if she does and damned if she doesn’t. What I mean by this is that she is clearly a substantial woman, both personally and professionally, having been successful in all walks of life for decades. However, when she does not convey enough 'authority or power' to some people's liking, she is misunderstood as weak. If she becomes 'too strong', she is criticized and branded with what I call 'the curse of the scarlet B.'

The solution, as I teach in my work, is to be one’s self and never just present. Earlier, I stated that Voice Is Power. In these closing weeks of this campaign, I advocate that Kamala Harris tune out what everyone else might be thinking and embody the power and integrity of who she knows herself to be. She should speak dynamically and courageously, relax all upper body tension, take time to breathe, and listen internally while communicating.

 In this way, she can hit the reset button. By doing so, she will be able to reflect the sovereignty of the woman she is: the warmth, the compassion, the intellect, the authority, and the power. If she does this, we will finally be able to clearly discern that character, not policy, is the most critical issue we are voting on in America. Once again, as I teach in Vocal Awareness, Voice is Power—when I Own My Voice, I Own My Power. Through this work, I am simply saying that we need to be aware of not only what we are saying but also how we are communicating.

Trump and Vance have clearly awakened the 'underbelly of America,' where truth no longer matters—the truth is whatever the president claims it to be. The antisemitic and xenophobic rhetoric they espouse is dangerous not only to those it targets but to all Americans, threatening our already fragile democracy. “We are one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

It is up to Kamala Harris to own her communication and the power of her voice to convey that she is capable of reconnecting America and Americans to our true values and the integrity of what it means to be an American.

A core principle of Vocal Awareness is that 'space has value.' Allowing more space to breathe creates time to think, which leads to greater control, authority, and confidence.

In no other profession, whether in the arts or sports, can an individual achieve success without rigorous training and discipline. Yet, in public speaking, the assumption is that because we speak, we are capable of becoming successful public speakers. In Communication Mastery, however, what is required to be an effective and successful public speaker is a skill-based discipline that can be learned and requires significant vocal training, including how to breathe strategically, how to warm up the voice, the importance of body language, and how to discover and enhance one’s own vocal identity, among many other basic public speaking skills.

One of the first tasks I require of my students is to craft a Persona Statement: how they ideally want to be known. First, the student meticulously writes it down, then memorizes it and practices it using Vocal Awareness skills and principles. Ultimately, their Persona Statement becomes the template for how they embody and are perceived as being at their best in everything they do and say, through rigorous practice. In public speaking, embodying one's Persona Statement is a game changer.

Here's a tip: If you aspire to be perceived to be at your best at all times, embodying a person of stature, dignity, and integrity successfully achieving your highest aspirations, begin by crafting your Persona Statement. There are four steps:

  1. Write a brief description of how you are presently perceived.
  2. Draw a simple image of #1.
  3. Write a description of how you would like to be perceived—the authentic person you feel is inside you.
  4. Draw a simple image of #3.

I assure you that you too will find this exercise both enlightening and, also, as you strive to successfully achieve your goals—a game changer.

Remember, no one can take our power from us, but we can hand it to them on a silver platter.

By crafting and embodying your Persona Statement you now know that you have a choice in how you want to be known. 

With that in mind, you also need to know that every single thing in life revolves only around two things: To choose to do something or to choose not to. Never matters how scary, how seemingly daunting. All that matters is how badly we want it. Even in abdication, by walking away, we make a choice.

But Vocal Awareness teaches Empowerment Through Voice. So to claim your power, to claim your identity, to access your Authentic Self/Voice, you must be audacious/bold/intrepid/daring. Make empowering choices for your Self, embody your new persona, and watch how you become better equipped to live life on your terms. 

Time is of the essence.

We must all step up, not just to do our best, but to Be Our Best.