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Melinda French Gates and the Pursuit of Empowerment: A Voice for Change

businesswomen communication challenges self-empowerment vocal power women empowerment Sep 25, 2024

I recently read an interview in the Financial Times with Melinda French Gates.


In the article, she spoke about investing in capital, pivotal ventures, launching pivotal ventures, “to invest in funds and startups that empower women”. She went on to say, “We're not yet fully empowered in the United States, we don't have parity in our halls of Congress, not even close. We don't have parity in the tech sector. We don't have parity in finance. So we have a long way to go.


My name is Arthur Samuel Joseph, M. A., I am the founder and chairman of the Vocal Awareness Institute, Inc. At this writing, I've been teaching for over six decades, and my Vision has never changed. It is “To Change the World Through Voice”. The goal is “to help all those I work with to achieve their own enlightenment and enjoy their own empowerment”. My commitment has never wavered.


Decades ago, when I was teaching the renowned motivational speaker, Tony Robbins, I said, Tony, we cannot empower people. That is arrogant. However, we can help people empower them Selves, which is in part the point of this brief article. 


At this juncture, as a society, as a civilization, we are at a crossroads and at the most dangerous time ever.


I teach that Voice Is Power, when We Own Our Voice, We Own Our Power. However, with demagogues abounding, from the former president of the United States running for office again, to Putin in Russia, Netanyahu in Israel, Orbán in Hungary, Germany, Italy, France, et al. The far right is being mainstreamed. 


Why does any of this personally matter to us, you might ask.


Because individuals and political groups are striving to take our power from us. And I am writing to tell you, do not allow them to. No one can take our power from us, but we can hand it to them on a silver platter.


This is dangerous for all. With radical right-wing zealots on all sides, in America led by the Republican Party, women are even losing control of their own bodies. With the reverse of Roe v. Wade, and now the fight for contraception, protection, and more.


Most of these policies are led by men who want to control women. But unfortunately, supported by socially conservative women as well.


In my last book, Vocal Leadership: 7 Minutes A Day to Communication Mastery, as I was crafting the book, I was going to write a chapter entitled For Women Only. But partway through, decided, no, I don't want to do that. Because we all need to learn how to Own Who We Are and be able to stand up for our Selves.


Melinda French Gates' article inspired me to lend my Voice to this conversation. Initially for women, but also for all of us. 


In America, it is not a level playing field ‘for women’. There is no parity in pay, job opportunities, etc. So I want to ‘come out from behind the curtain’, as it were, put myself front and center, helping women and all of us find our Authentic Voice. Giving our Selves permission to speak truth to power.


As I begin to close, I want to offer one Vocal Awareness technique. It is a principle, a technique called choosing my vocal and presentational Persona.


The root of the word persona is an Etruscan root word (an ancient Greek dialect) that literally means through the sound. In other words, one's identity is largely conveyed through the sound of a Voice and an opinion created instantaneously.


It is a four-part exercise.


First, you answer the question, how do I believe I am presently perceived? With an accompanying drawing that represents that individual. 


The second question you answer is, how would I ideally like to be known? With a drawing that represents that identity.


This exploration also raises a really interesting thought “I didn't know I had a choice in how I want to be known”. But you do. And that is the point. 


The other point is that every single thing in life revolves only around two things: To choose to do something or to choose not to. Never matters how scary, how seemingly daunting. All that matters is how badly we want it. Even in abdication, by walking away, we make a choice.


But Vocal Awareness teaches Empowerment Through Voice. So to claim your power, to claim your identity, to access your Authentic Self/Voice, you must be audacious/bold/intrepid/daring. Make empowering choices for your Self, embody your new persona, and watch how you become better equipped to live life on your terms. 


Time is of the essence.


We must all step up, not just to do our best, but to Be Our Best.


Are you ready to learn the tools that will help you empower your Self? Join A New Form Of Mastery online course.