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Empowering Women Through Voice: Claiming the Leadership You Deserve

businesswomen personal power personal sovereignty self-empowerment women empowerment women in business Aug 28, 2024

In a world where the voice of a woman is often scrutinized more than her words, the Journey to empowerment becomes not just a personal mission but a global imperative. Recently, I came across an inspiring initiative by Halla Tómasdóttir, the new president of Iceland. She founded Auður, “a Women's Entrepreneurship and Empowerment Initiative at Reykjavik University, named after a ninth-century female Viking known for her leadership and wisdom”. This resonated deeply with me, especially in the context of Kamala Harris's journey as a candidate for the presidency of the United States.

It made me think: How far have we really come? How much further do we need to go?

During a recent course I taught for the Shift Network, a woman shared her experience as a successful business manager. Her words were powerful, but her delivery was austere, almost devoid of the warmth and authenticity that could truly connect with her audience. As we worked together, I witnessed a transformation. What emerged was no longer just a businesswoman but a woman in business—someone who was not merely playing a role but embodying her true Self.

This experience underscored a harsh reality: The playing field is not level for women in business. A strong man in business is not considered a bastard, rather he is considered a strong businessman, no matter how abhorrent his communication style may be, how aggressive he may be, etc. He is often celebrated for his assertiveness, while a strong woman is often labeled with what I charactize as “the Curse of the Scarlet B”—criticized for the very traits that would be praised in her male counterparts.

The double standard is real, and it's pervasive.

Take Kamala Harris, for instance. The critiques of her voice, her laugh, her warmth—these are not just personal attacks; they are reflections of a deeper societal bias that undermines the credibility of women as authoritative figures. As a recent LA Times editorial noted, “there is no doubt that women have a more difficult time gaining credibility as the ‘voice of authority’. The double standard leads to audiences being more critical of women speakers, knowing it is risky to challenge the establishment and the status quo, women speakers need to prepare by getting critical… To challenge the establishment and the status quo…” 

But what if we could change this narrative? What if there was a way to truly empower women to own their voice, their presence, and their power?

This is where Vocal Awareness — A New Form Of MasteryTM comes in. Before this Work, there was no systematic approach to teaching empowerment—no method that combined the science, the pragmatism, and the artistry of voice to help individuals, especially women, step into their full power. Vocal Awareness is not just about speaking; it is about embodying the message and the messenger. It's about breathing in a way that supports your voice, using pitch and pace to convey your truth, and mastering the art of Visceral Language — Conveying the emotion of words, one of the trademark principles of Vocal Awareness, to communicate with emotional depth and authenticity.

It is about creating a Persona Statement—a declaration of who you are and how you want to be known—and realizing, perhaps for the first time, that you have a choice in shaping your identity.

For women, this Work is crucial, there is no other system that teaches women and others about the two greatest fears that each of us confronts every day: fear of abandonment and ownership of our power. Nowhere is this more important than women's fear of ‘overstepping’. Too often, women hold back, afraid to fully embody their strength for fear of being labeled or judged. Vocal Awareness dismantles these fears, allowing women to reclaim their Voice and their power on their terms.

It is time for women to step into the leadership roles that have been rightfully theirs for generations. As I once told Tony Robbins, "We cannot empower people, Tony. Our role is to help them empower themselves." This is exactly what Vocal Awareness does—it provides the tools and the framework - the Journey to empowerment is yours to take.

In reading this, I hope you realize that you are not defined by your habits or your behavior. Speech is habit, but it does not define who you are. It is time to step up, claim your greatness, and embody both the message and the messenger in full Conscious Awareness. It is time for every woman to rise, to step into the nobility of what is possible, and to no longer be marginalized by the fear of others' opinions.

The playing field has never been level, but together, we can change that.

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