Communication Challenges Faced by Gen Z and How to Overcome Them - Featured Image

Communication Challenges Faced by Gen Z and How to Overcome Them

communication challenges communication mastery gen z public speaking Aug 07, 2024

Gen Z's lives have been intertwined with technology from birth. They use emojis to communicate and often get anxious calling restaurants to order food for delivery. So, imagine the pressure they put on themselves when having to speak to an audience, whether it's during a class presentation, a social gathering, or even a keynote presentation.

Their lives were also impacted by the pandemic, forcing them to live through their screens even more. Technology IS a powerful tool. And yet, we are losing the art of public discourse. In an age of increasingly digitized communication, where a generation of young men and women have grown up with texting and email as their primary form of speech, communication skills are more necessary than ever.

To address the communication gap in our educational system, we need to open up a new pathway for increasing numbers of young people to become aware of the principles of Vocal Awareness and Communication Mastery.

Here are some key communication challenges Gen Z faces and strategies to overcome them:

  1. Over-Reliance on Digital Communication:
    • Challenge: Gen Z often relies heavily on digital communication methods such as texting, social media, and emails, which can limit their ability to engage in meaningful face-to-face conversations.
    • Solution: Practice, practice, practice. You might not feel comfortable in your own skin when speaking just yet, but as every talented person in the world knows, to thrive, you must leap. You have the power within you to achieve Communication Mastery. The more you practice speaking in various settings, the more comfortable and confident you will become.
  2. Anxiety and Fear of Public Speaking:
    • Challenge: Many young people experience anxiety when speaking in public, fearing judgment or making mistakes.
    • Solution: Sociologists say that the greatest fear of society is public speaking, but they are wrong. The greatest fear is actually two fears: fear of abandonment and fear of owning our power. Once we understand that, we can start by answering the question of how we want to be known. This means we no longer need to present ourselves for others' approval but rather embrace our truth and own our power.
  3. Lack of Non-Verbal Communication Skills:
    • Challenge: Digital communication often lacks the nuances of body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice, making it difficult for Gen Z to develop these essential non-verbal skills.
    • Solution: Often all we have is our voice, so we need to learn how to communicate our message as clearly and effectively as possible. In Vocal Awareness, we have a technique called Visceral Language that will help you Make Your Voice Visual. This might sound crazy at first, but it means seeing every word you say in the virtual computer screen of your mind's eye. This will help you understand which words to emphasize and how to end your sentences so the meaning of your message doesn't get lost between the umms and ahs.
  4. Difficulty in Articulating Thoughts Clearly:
    • Challenge: Some Gen Z individuals may struggle to articulate their thoughts clearly and concisely, especially in high-pressure situations.
    • Solution: We all have a powerful tool within our reach that is capable of providing us with thinking space—breathing. Our breath helps us ground ourselves, decrease our levels of anxiety, and, as I have stated already, gives us thinking time to gather our thoughts and continue with our message. Remember, if it is worth saying, it is worth breathing before saying it.

To excel in the new economy, knowing how to make a good first impression is crucial. Please remember this adage “You never get a second chance to make a first impression” and because we live in a society where perception is reality, we want to be mindful that it is not simply the message but ‘the messenger that matters’. As I always say, "The same person shows up everywhere." We aren't taught how to be ourselves, much less how to be ourselves in public. But just as we have been taught to walk, we can be taught how to be ourselves. We do have a choice in how we want to be known.

Are you ready to make that choice for your Self? Embrace the principles of Vocal Awareness and Communication Mastery to unlock your full potential and navigate the complexities of modern communication with confidence.

If you find this topic insightful, I invite you to check this LinkedIn post I made sharing a few more tips.