And adquire the tools that so many renowned leaders in all fields use daily.

Start Your Journey Today!
Nobody has helped individuals overcome their communication challenges more than Arthur Samuel Joseph. Now he is finally ready to share his secrets on how you can do it.

The ONE Method that every person needs, even if you are not a public speaker.

In Just 30 Minutes A Day, For 7 Days, you will learn how to Connect With Your True Voice and no longer conform with the idea in your mind of how it should sound, of how you should sound!

Starting Today!

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Is ‘Vocal Awareness — A New Form Of Mastery™
for me and my vision?

Yes! ‘A New Form Of Mastery™’ is especially for you if...


You already tried all the vocal tips you could find out there and perhaps still struggle with your vocal identity and the very sound of your own voice.

When speaking out loud, you say or think phrases like “I do not like the sound of my voice”, “my voice is too low or to high”, “my voice does not sound like me”.

You desire to increase the engagement with your audience, but you often feel like your voice and your communication style do not yet ‘have what it takes’.

You may feel like you do not have the confidence to speak publicly and it is holding you back from achieving your goals.

Now you decided to try the Vocal Awareness Method® but do not know where to start. Well, this is the place.


If you nodded or said “yes” to any of the above, then YES, A New Form Of Mastery™ is 100% for you.
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And put a stop to those limited beliefs that are holding you back from achieving what you know is waiting for you on the other side of fear.

There is a reason why the Vocal Awareness Method® has been used by the biggest names in business and entertainment like Tony Robbins, Maverick Carter (LeBron James’ Business Partner), Dwyane Wade, Angelina Jolie, Sally Field, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sean Connery, Space Technology Founder Mikhail Kokorich, JetBrain CEO Kirill Skrygan, Deloitte and Touche, Ernst & Young, and a TON more! Now It’s Your Turn.

Time Sensitive

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"With Arthur, I was able to learn an incredible amount about my voice and about how to have great impact with more pleasure and less pain."

Tony Robbins

A BIG opportunity to learn from the #1 Authority on the Human Voice.

Module 1

Understanding Your Vocal Awareness Journey

(The Paradigm Shift to Self-Mastery)

In Module 1 Arthur is going to show you:

Stature, a technique to help you embody the true power of who you are.

The power of breath, and discover that a breath is not merely physical but also spiritual and emotional.

How to no longer be self-conscious rather to become Conscious of Self.

The Body Speaks: The importance of body language and techniques to release all upper body tension to help you enhance vocal quality and clarity.

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Module 2

Communication Mastery

In Module 2 Arthur will help you uncover the power of your authentic Voice, providing you with essential tools to communicate in complete Conscious Awareness, with authority, clarity, and presence.

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Module 3

Reconnecting With Your Voice

In Module 3 Arthur will share with you practical tips to maintain your voice's health in everyday situations, especially during challenging times such as when you have a cold or are feeling fatigued.

Arthur will also guide you through the 7 Rituals of Vocal Awareness that will help you harness the full power of your Voice.

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Module 4

Sound IS Expressed Emotion

During this module, you will learn to experience the full resonance of your voice, building strength, control, and a deep connection to the sound and emotion in your singing voice. This will, in turn, dramatically impact the sound and emotion of your speaking voice.

Arthur says “We all are born with the ability to sing, there is no such thing as being ‘tone deaf’, the act of singing is natural, the art of singing is skill.”

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That is not ALL!

Bonus Content

The Journey Continues

The Meaning Behind The Work

During this interview Arthur shares the transformative power of authentic communication and how embracing Vocal Awareness will lead you to a true Paradigm Shift, not simply in your voice but in your life.

Bonus Content

Make Your Voice Visual

The Visceral Language Technique

This video session is designed to transform how you speak, ensuring that every word you say, every idea you share, carries the full weight of your intention and emotion.

Time Sensitive

Join before the time runs out and receive Vocal Leadership: 7 Minutes a Day to Communication Mastery eBook.









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“Everything in life revolves only around two things:
To choose to do something, or to choose not to.

In Vocal Awareness the only thing that matters is

 whether that choice empowers us or disempowers us

- Arthur Samuel Joseph

Meet Arthur Samuel Joseph


He is a Hollywood Legend in vocal coaching and the founder of Vocal Awareness®, his over six decades of experience have made him the #1 Authority on the Human Voice. Arthur has helped countless A-list actors and professional speakers learn how to create the biggest impact. 

If you have ever wondered what Tony Robins, Pierce Brosnan, Angelina Jolie, Sally Field, Sylvester Stallone, and SO many more have in common, well simply, they have Arthur.

He has trained over 50 Hall of Famers, in virtually every sport, from Basketball to Football, Soccer, Supercross and Motocross, plus Olympics gold and silver medalists.

Arthur’s life-long Vision: ‘To Change The World Through Voice’, and his Goal, ‘to help all of those he works with achieve their own enlightenment and enjoy their own empowerment’, have never changed.

Are you ready to be the next one?
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Here is what you get when you sign up for A New Form Of Mastery™ Today!




Instant access to 4 Modules meticulously crafted for you to reclaim, reconnect, and master your Voice.


A copy of the Vocal Leadership: 7 Minutes a Day to Communication Mastery eBook.


The best Vocal Awareness guides to improve your public presentations – helping you connect with your audience in ways you never even thought possible!


Normally: $799

Today’s Price: $280

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A New Form Of Mastery™



Immediate Access


To finally have the life you deserve. Perhaps poor communication, possibly a lack of Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem has held you back for decades, Arthur often says “We don’t know what we don’t know. Vocal Awareness is the glue- it sticks everything together.

In this course, for the first time in your life, you will truly be able to experience Empowerment Through Voice - I promise.”

"Vocal Awareness has made a really big impact on me, has really challenged me in more ways than I’ve been challenged in the game of basketball in a long time." – Dwyane Wade, Basketball Hall of Famer

“Thank you, Arthur Joseph, for believing in me, pushing me, empowering me, and showing me that what you share and teach is attainable for those of us committed to doing the Work. I cannot say it enough and will never stop saying it.” – Patrick Willis, Pro Football Hall Of Famer

“Arthur Samuel Joseph started as a teacher of mine many years ago. Over these years, he has become a good friend whose teachings of Vocal Awareness have been a constant in my life." – Pierce Brosnan, Actor

"Vocal Awareness has made a really big impact on me, has really challenged me in more ways than I’ve been challenged in the game of basketball in a long time." – Dwyane Wade, Basketball Hall of Famer

“Thank you, Arthur Joseph, for believing in me, pushing me, empowering me, and showing me that what you share and teach is attainable for those of us committed to doing the Work. I cannot say it enough and will never stop saying it.” – Patrick Willis, Pro Football Hall Of Famer

“Arthur Samuel Joseph started as a teacher of mine many years ago. Over these years, he has become a good friend whose teachings of Vocal Awareness have been a constant in my life." – Pierce Brosnan, Actor

"Vocal Awareness – it’s a conscious spiritual connection between your Voice and your inner calling." – Emmitt Smith, Pro Football Hall Of Famer

"Arthur Samuel Joseph’s Vocal Awareness techniques continue to help enhance my vocal stature." – Arnold Schwarzenegger, Former Governor, Actor, Bodybuilder

“Working the Vocal Awareness program and working with Arthur, doesn’t just change what you say and how you say it. He is one of those individuals who helps you see the best in yourself, that maybe you don’t see because we are always our own worst critic." – Jeff Emig, Hall Of Fame SuperMotocross Champion

"Vocal Awareness – it’s a conscious spiritual connection between your Voice and your inner calling." – Emmitt Smith, Pro Football Hall Of Famer

"Arthur Samuel Joseph’s Vocal Awareness techniques continue to help enhance my vocal stature." – Arnold Schwarzenegger, Former Governor, Actor, Bodybuilder

“Working the Vocal Awareness program and working with Arthur, doesn’t just change what you say and how you say it. He is one of those individuals who helps you see the best in yourself, that maybe you don’t see because we are always our own worst critic." – Jeff Emig, Hall Of Fame SuperMotocross Champion

"I first learned about Vocal Awareness through my representation at Creative Artists Agency. Arthur made an immediate impact." – Allen Hopkins, Soccer SportsCaster

"The principles that Vocal Awareness teaches us, include to believe we can really live life to the fullest without apathy, without frenzy and without pretense." – Franco Carlotto, 6-Time World Fitness Champion

"The good thing about knowing someone like Arthur and having Vocal Awareness is that what he teaches fits in every single part of what I do."
– Lucie Arnaz, Entertainer

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"I first learned about Vocal Awareness through my representation at Creative Artists Agency. Arthur made an immediate impact." – Allen Hopkins, Soccer SportsCaster

"The principles that Vocal Awareness teaches us, include to believe we can really live life to the fullest without apathy, without frenzy and without pretense." – Franco Carlotto, 6-Time World Fitness Champion

"The good thing about knowing someone like Arthur and having Vocal Awareness is that what he teaches fits in every single part of what I do."
– Lucie Arnaz, Entertainer

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Ready to have the tools that so many renowned leaders in all fields use daily?

What You Can Expect From

'A New Form Of Mastery'

BEFORE The Course:

✘ Feeling confused about how to start your calls, meetings, or social engagements.

Frustrated by the sound of your voice.

Often confused, lost, or stuck while trying to get the words to resonate with your audience.

AFTER The Course:

Knowing exactly what techniques to apply and be prepared for your calls, meetings, or social engagements.

Access your true Voice and connect deeply with it.

 Fully Inspire your audience, not merely motivate, in every keynote or PowerPoint performance.

Your Chance To Achieve The Goals You Have In Mind Is Right Now...

...Will You Take It?

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Now's The Time To Get Off The Sidelines And Get In The Game...


Start Today!
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